Greyhound University
Go Greyhound U and leave the teaching to us!

Home Terminal Stage 1 Interview Stage 2 Computer Training Stage 3 The School Stage 4 Final Stage FYI What to take Meet the instructors Driving for the Dog School Mishaps

Sunday Day 1:

You will probably leave your home terminal early in the morning for a long drive to the School, depending on how close you are to it.

You will probably arrive at the School or be greeted at the terminal.  For Atlantic City we were bussed directly to the School and then a bus picked us up and shipped us to the Hotel.  Once you get to the Hotel you will check in you will find out the report time for the following day and assigned a room. Get plenty of sleep you will need it.

Okay so you passed Phase one computers next they will ship you off to either Atlantic City NJ,  Atlanta or Reno. 

A: The classes will alternate from driving to class time.

B: You will be in class Monday thru Saturday. You may have some Sunday classes. (Especially if your group needs a little extra time)

C: You will be given mastery exams. You must pass with 80% or above to continue on. You must pass 8 hours of bus driving time.

D: If you are a smoker be prepared for short and few smoke breaks. Sundays are days for studying and laundry, church and shopping. Plan your days so you get the most out of them.

E: You will have many subjects to learn and study. You will learn about driver operations, orientation, navagation,baggage,ticketing and more. Then you will learn how to drive the bus and pass your drivers test. You will drive on a range, you will drive on the highway and the city streets. You will drive probally an MC 12 and if your lucky a G4500 but don't hold your breath. You will learn the insides and outs of a Greyhound Bus, the hatches, the doors, the exits, the lav, and all other components of a Greyhound.

Classes, okay you want to know what to expect in Class so here it is the actual day by day break down. 

This is based on Facts out of the Atlantic City NJ Training School.

Sunday- You will probably leave your Home Terminal on a Sunday usually in Early Morning or later part of the day depending on how close you are to the Training School.  You will ride to the School via a Greyhound Bus, go ahead and try to sleep because you will need it. 

Sunday after arrival-  Usually you will be shipped right to the School when you get to the training city, some of you will go right to the Hotel but we went to the School. Upon arrival at the School we hopped a bus to the Hotel. The Hotel is real nice it is a Days Inn and is very well maintained.  You will sign in and you will be told your Report time for Monday.  Get some rest take it from me.

 Monday Day 1:  Report time is usually around 7AM on the 1st day, you will be bussed from the Hotel to the School it is about a 20 minute trip.  You will meet the Head instructor Mr. Gathers and his helpers Leslie Foster and a couple other ones they basically teach the Classroom stuff.  Sometime on Monday you will meet the Road instructors and the Skill Course instructors and some of them are real A - holes but that is why they are there to drill you into shape, some you will like, some you will hate.    You will fill out paper work, get books and be welcomed to the Hound and told what is expected from you. You may start to learn about Logs. If your lucky you will meet Mr. Wright he is the head honcho at the School he is the Director of Driver development and when he says jump you ask how high.  You will eat lunch and just learn about the Hound.  If your lucky you will get out at around 5PM.

Tuesday Day 2: Report time is around 6:30 AM and you will be bussed to School, you will begin to learn about logs and then from there you will go onto the Skills Course which in NJ is like a 50 minute ride.  You will be on the Skills course till about 5 PM, on this course you will go through a Serpentine, Backing, Loading Slip, Turn after turn, parel parking, judgment stop and Mom and Pop Stop and just when you think you had enough you will do it again and again and yes again.  You will get a feel for the Buses the G Model, the 12 Model and the D Models some with a 10 speed transmisson and one with a 4 Cylinder etc.  And yes when you think you are done you will do it again and again and again.  You will more than likely fail the skills course on this day because that is the way it is which is no big deal.

Wednesday Day 3:  Report time around 7 AM Back to the Skills Course only on this day you will pass, but first you will learn about logs then bussed off to the Skills course and guess what on this day you will take what you have learned and do it better and knock over less cones, yes cones big organge cones which you will get sick of.  Also you will back through a serpentine a couple of times which is a cake walk if you pay attention.  You will be done around 5 PM or so.

Thursday Day 4: You will be broke into Team A and Team B and then you will do log stuff, some learning about the Company and some other paper work stuff and learning the ABCs about Greyhound along with turning in the buses, then you will be shipped off to a Bus for inter-city driving and some driving on the Highways. If your lucky you will drive into Philly or even Atantic City this is the real deal.  You will also pre-trip the bus.

Friday Day 5:  Again you will be in the Classroom most of the day practing your Log test, or you will hit the road first thing then around 4 PM you will switch off with your partner.

Saturday Day 6: You will drive Solo with an instructor and you will go places, when your done driving it is off to the Classroom to watch more videos and learn about shifting the bus etc or vise versa. 

Sunday Day 7:  Uniform fitting, and you deserve it, you will feel good in it believe me.  This is also your day off, enjoy it and like it. Get some rest, watch a game and study a little bit for the Log test.  Don't read to much into the test because you will flunk.

Monday  Day 8:  Log Test first thing, if you paid attention you will pass, then you will do more paper work then meet  the guy from the union.  You will also start to learn about Trip envelopes and you will meet an new road instructor and be teamed up with another student.  You will begin to do more intense driving to either Philly or Atlantic City and continue to do some minor inter - city driving.  You must pass the Log test to continue on, if you can't do a Log book then you will be sent home.

Tuesday Day 9:  So good, so far on this day you will begin to drive with just you and your road instructor, odds are you will head to New York or a large city depending on where your at.   You will go around New York City and go into the terminal the NY terminal is large and can be overwhelming.  If you know how to turn the bus and have a good feel for it you should be fine.   You will spend most of the day driving if your not driving you will be covering Customer Service stuff in the Classroom.  You will also learn about the Disability Act, operating the lift on the bus, tons of Customer service stuff, you will also learn more about Trip envelopes.

 Wednesday Day 10:  Well you will either drive this day or stay in your Class and basically do what you didn't do on Tuesday.  By this day you should be able to nail down the Pre- Trip and other things about the bus.

Thursday Day 11:  You will continue to either sit in class or be on the road, you have to get enough driving hours for Greyhound to pass you.  Around this time it is all about Customer Service etc.

Friday Day 12: Again with the driving, a Customer service test and so on around now it is all starting to sink in.

Saturday Day 13: You will learn to put chains on the bus and how to put out your road flares and then your off to go home.  

There you have it, the Classroom life at Hound U. Next you will be shipped back home to your location and you will continue on with 3 more weeks of home training.













A: The classes will alternate from driving to class time.

B: You will be in class Monday thru Saturday. You may have some Sunday classes. (Especially if your group needs a little extra time)

C: You will be given mastery exams. You must pass with 80% or above to continue on. You must pass 8 hours of bus driving time.

D: If you are a smoker be prepared for short and few smoke breaks. Sundays are days for studying and laundry, church and shopping. Plan your days so you get the most out of them.

E: You will have many subjects to learn and study. You will learn about driver operations, orientation, navagation,baggage,ticketing and more. Then you will learn how to drive the bus and pass your drivers test. You will drive on a range, you will drive on the highway and the city streets. You will drive probally an MC 12 and if your lucky a G4500 but don't hold your breath. You will learn the insides and outs of a Greyhound Bus, the hatches, the doors, the exits, the lav, and all other components of a Greyhound.

Classes, okay you want to know what to expect in Class so here it is the actual day by day break down. 

This is based on Facts out of the Atlantic City NJ Training School.

Sunday- You will probably leave your Home Terminal on a Sunday usually in Early Morning or later part of the day depending on how close you are to the Training School.  You will ride to the School via a Greyhound Bus, go ahead and try to sleep because you will need it. 

Sunday after arrival-  Usually you will be shipped right to the School when you get to the training city, some of you will go right to the Hotel but we went to the School. Upon arrival at the School we hopped a bus to the Hotel. The Hotel is real nice it is a Days Inn and is very well maintained.  You will sign in and you will be told your Report time for Monday.  Get some rest take it from me.

 Monday Day 1:  Report time is usually around 7AM on the 1st day, you will be bussed from the Hotel to the School it is about a 20 minute trip.  You will meet the Head instructor Mr. Gathers and his helpers Leslie Foster and a couple other ones they basically teach the Classroom stuff.  Sometime on Monday you will meet the Road instructors and the Skill Course instructors and some of them are real A - holes but that is why they are there to drill you into shape, some you will like, some you will hate.    You will fill out paper work, get books and be welcomed to the Hound and told what is expected from you. You may start to learn about Logs. If your lucky you will meet Mr. Wright he is the head honcho at the School he is the Director of Driver development and when he says jump you ask how high.  You will eat lunch and just learn about the Hound.  If your lucky you will get out at around 5PM.

Tuesday Day 2: Report time is around 6:30 AM and you will be bussed to School, you will begin to learn about logs and then from there you will go onto the Skills Course which in NJ is like a 50 minute ride.  You will be on the Skills course till about 5 PM, on this course you will go through a Serpentine, Backing, Loading Slip, Turn after turn, parel parking, judgment stop and Mom and Pop Stop and just when you think you had enough you will do it again and again and yes again.  You will get a feel for the Buses the G Model, the 12 Model and the D Models some with a 10 speed transmisson and one with a 4 Cylinder etc.  And yes when you think you are done you will do it again and again and again.  You will more than likely fail the skills course on this day because that is the way it is which is no big deal.

Wednesday Day 3:  Report time around 7 AM Back to the Skills Course only on this day you will pass, but first you will learn about logs then bussed off to the Skills course and guess what on this day you will take what you have learned and do it better and knock over less cones, yes cones big organge cones which you will get sick of.  Also you will back through a serpentine a couple of times which is a cake walk if you pay attention.  You will be done around 5 PM or so.

Thursday Day 4: You will be broke into Team A and Team B and then you will do log stuff, some learning about the Company and some other paper work stuff and learning the ABCs about Greyhound along with turning in the buses, then you will be shipped off to a Bus for inter-city driving and some driving on the Highways. If your lucky you will drive into Philly or even Atantic City this is the real deal.  You will also pre-trip the bus.

Friday Day 5:  Again you will be in the Classroom most of the day practing your Log test, or you will hit the road first thing then around 4 PM you will switch off with your partner.

Saturday Day 6: You will drive Solo with an instructor and you will go places, when your done driving it is off to the Classroom to watch more videos and learn about shifting the bus etc or vise versa. 

Sunday Day 7:  Uniform fitting, and you deserve it, you will feel good in it believe me.  This is also your day off, enjoy it and like it. Get some rest, watch a game and study a little bit for the Log test.  Don't read to much into the test because you will flunk.

Monday  Day 8:  Log Test first thing, if you paid attention you will pass, then you will do more paper work then meet  the guy from the union.  You will also start to learn about Trip envelopes and you will meet an new road instructor and be teamed up with another student.  You will begin to do more intense driving to either Philly or Atlantic City and continue to do some minor inter - city driving.  You must pass the Log test to continue on, if you can't do a Log book then you will be sent home.

Tuesday Day 9:  So good, so far on this day you will begin to drive with just you and your road instructor, odds are you will head to New York or a large city depending on where your at.   You will go around New York City and go into the terminal the NY terminal is large and can be overwhelming.  If you know how to turn the bus and have a good feel for it you should be fine.   You will spend most of the day driving if your not driving you will be covering Customer Service stuff in the Classroom.  You will also learn about the Disability Act, operating the lift on the bus, tons of Customer service stuff, you will also learn more about Trip envelopes.

 Wednesday Day 10:  Well you will either drive this day or stay in your Class and basically do what you didn't do on Tuesday.  By this day you should be able to nail down the Pre- Trip and other things about the bus.

Thursday Day 11:  You will continue to either sit in class or be on the road, you have to get enough driving hours for Greyhound to pass you.  Around this time it is all about Customer Service etc.

Friday Day 12: Again with the driving, a Customer service test and so on around now it is all starting to sink in.

Saturday Day 13: You will learn to put chains on the bus and how to put out your road flares and then your off to go home.  

There you have it, the Classroom life at Hound U. Next you will be shipped back home to your location and you will continue on with 3 more weeks of home training.