Greyhound University
Go Greyhound U and leave the training to us

Home Terminal Stage 1 Interview Stage 2 Computer Training Stage 3 The School Stage 4 Final Stage FYI What to take Meet the instructors Driving for the Dog School Mishaps

Day 2

Report Time 7:00 AM, Bus departure time 6:30 AM

1. You will be bussed from the Hotel to the School unless your School is at the Hotel.

2. You will be welcomed to Greyhound by the Head teacher and told what to expect and what they expect from you.

3.  You will meet the road instructors and hear how long they have been with the Hound.

4. You will get your TOP DOG pay card.

5. You will fill out paper work and dive into training.

6. You will also start Log training.

7. If your lucky you will meet the Head of the School

8. You will watch some videos.

9. The day ends about 5 PM.